Our Mission:
Our mission is to provide the highest level of enriched language learning while empowering students to achieve their highest potential.
We provide you with the tools to learn a brand-new language and to build your Canadian family.
With globalization and the multiplicity of schools around the world, your decision is all the more difficult. Before you feel dwarfed by the countless possibilities, we at Hanson Language School want you to simply ask yourself two fundamental questions: Firstly, “Will I really learn from coming to HLS?” And secondly, “How can this education help me in the real world?”
What you know and how you apply it must work together in order to achieve success. Programs and books are not enough. It takes people and resources to inspire a passion for learning in every individual.

What Hanson Language School Students Say
Janet Guerra

“I am very glad I studied at Hanson Language School and I think it is a good school. They have helped me achieve my goal which is to be able to speak to people without the aid of a translator.”
"I have improved my communication skills a lot! Now I can talk to other people and yes, it could be difficult at first, but I really enjoy it and I am happy.
I was also able to learn about other cultures. I like the environment at Hanson Language School, the teachers and the class. I will recommend Hanson Language School to my friends and family.”
“Hanson Language School is very good, always very demanding but I like this school. If my friend wants to study English, I would recommend Hanson Language School.”
“There is a very pleasant atmosphere which makes learning easy and fun. I would definitely recommend this school to my friends.”
“Hanson is very helpful, thanks to the teachers. I recommend Hanson Language School to my friends and neighbours.”